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Free Ping Tool: Quickly and easily index new content
Pour yourself a drink. Enter your website or link directly to the latest blog post. Choose the category that best describes the character of your site. Click "Ping now". Sit back and watch this awesome free ping tool do all the work for you!
Ping test is employed to see if your computer is connected to the network. It is often used to check if a computer is connected to the Internet. It also determines whether the computer you are testing has an Internet connection and the latency between the two computers. A ping test is run on the server to check the latency between the computer performing the ping test and the server.
Computer savvy people know how to do a ping test without using any utility or tool to do it. They will access the command on their computer, enter the ping command and name any website. The results will show the milliseconds required to exchange a packet with the website. It shows four results.
A good Internet speed test will try to establish a connection with three or four servers. The server with rock bottom connection time is employed to run the web speed test.
The ping test is used to verify if the host computer you are trying to access is up and running. It is used for troubleshooting and testing response times.
Microsoft Windows has a ping test command to perform pings. Simply specify the host you want to connect to by entering its IP address or domain name. Go to command prompt and type: ping or type ping Both commands should work. You can run the windows command to ping my link.
In Microsoft Windows, four messages are returned; assert, size in bytes, duration, and lifetime (TTL). TTL or TTL will be a number between 1 and 128. If the return number is 128, it means both computers are on the same network. The TTL indicates the number of hops between networks that were made to reach the server.
If ping returns "request timed out", it means a connection with another computer could not be established. Another possible error is “Unable to resolve unknown host from
This indicates that the hostname has been misspelled or does not exist on the Internet.
What IT managers managing the IT setup of a large organization or call center are looking for is ping time. A period of 200 to 400 ms is considered the average time. Above 400ms is considered a poor time and less than 200ms is considered an above-average or good time.
Pinging and timing have become important in the IT community since the advent of cloud computing. Because some large organizations use cloud computing and don't want ping time delay. They want to connect instantly and seamlessly, just as if they weren't using the cloud.
Nowadays in the internet world, the usage of ping tests has increased. Site managers want to ping tests to find servers in their business directory. For example, a blog site would want to see how quickly it connects to the blog service server. Different web hosts provide services to different categories of web servers that host websites in those categories. We know that the Internet has grown phenomenally over the past decade and will continue to grow in the future. Therefore, to manage a global network, you need efficient networks to share the load.
To manage the web, thousands of web servers maintain databases of various website names and IP addresses. One or more servers cannot handle persistent traffic on the Internet. A visitor goes to the website they want to visit. The search engine forwards the request to the nearest web server (closest here implies the webserver with the shortest ping time, not its actual location) maintaining a database of domains and addresses IP. This server, in turn, communicates with the server that hosts the IP address and from there sends back-chain information to the visitor.
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