Ask An SEO

How to Make Gallery Page Images Google Search Friendly

Johnny in California submits today’s Ask an SEO question, which is as follows:

“I’m an artist with gallery pages full of images of my paintings and very little text. How do I get those paintings to rank better? I’ve also noticed that Google ranks photos much faster and better than images of paintings.”

I’m not a particularly visual person.

Simply ask my wife.

When we look at Airbnb listings, my wife is the first to look at the photos.

I quickly scroll down to the property description.

Words and fonts are considered unappealing by the majority of visual artists I know.

They understandably want the visuals to take center stage.

However, for people like me, simply looking at pretty pictures isn’t going to entice me to buy.

When I’m looking for art, I prefer it to tell a story.

I’d like to know the “why” behind the painting I’m considering purchasing.

Google Images is a great resource.

Reverse image search is one of Google’s coolest and most important secrets.

Take a picture and enter it into Google, and the magic of technology will find similar images and, in most cases, tell you where the image came from.

This is especially beneficial for those of us who use stock photography.

We use it to ensure that the stock image we’re using isn’t being used excessively on other websites.

It can also be a godsend for artists.

By displaying art images on your website, you can appear in searches for similar images.

In the original question, it is assumed that photographs rank higher than paintings.

I’m not entirely certain that this assumption is correct.

It depends, as the answer in SEO usually is.

I imagine that some paintings, particularly those of the Jackson Pollack variety, will be more difficult for the algorithm to classify – and thus will take longer to index.

In most cases, Google can see and analyze photos using modern image recognition technology.

A picture is worth a thousand words – but searchers still require Words.

Google is better at indexing and understanding text than it is at indexing and recognizing images.

If you are selling art, you must write about it (or have someone else write about your art).

A wall of images rarely sells well on a website, even if it is an eCommerce site.

If you want your art to be recognized, you must write about it.

We’ve all complained about recipe websites that tell you a long story before getting to the ingredient list and instructions.

However, those sites rank well and convert well.

And, thankfully, most of them now include a navigation button that will take you directly to the recipe if you don’t want to read about how grandma used to make the dish during the Great Depression.

If done correctly, writing descriptions and stories about the paintings you’re selling will boost not only your rankings but also your sales.

I want to know about the art I’m purchasing, especially if it’s expensive.

As a result, make certain that you:

  • Use a descriptive alt text and an optimized image file name.
  • To learn more about the importance of unique content, read Why Content Is Important for SEO.
  • Find a writing method that works for you so that you can write better and more concise descriptions of each painting.
  • Learn more about what Google looks for in quality content by clicking here.

When a collector visits a gallery to purchase a high-priced work of art, they frequently want to meet the artist and learn more about the painting.

Understanding the origins of the art is an important part of the art-buying process.

It’s also useful for getting a painting to rank for relevant keywords in Google, Bing, and other search engines.

Need help with our free SEO tools? Try our free Page Size Checker, XML Sitemap Generator, URL Rewriting Tool.

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