Sometimes, we refer to content marketing and copywriting tactics interchangeably, yet they serve two different functions and complement one another.
Traditionally, the copy has been used to close sales. It is, in the words of Albert Lasker, “salesmanship in print” (or pixels). Persuasion is its main goal.
Content handles every other task. It draws a crowd, holds their interest for a while, demonstrates your ability to address their issues, and opens the door for potential purchase.
Copywriting strategies directly from the masters (that work for your content)
The internet enables us to leverage content to achieve so much with so little investment in time and money, making content marketing the new cool kid in advertising.
However, very savvy content marketers are aware enough to copy from their more conventional copywriter siblings. Because when you develop your copywriting skills, those traditional persuasion techniques will improve the effectiveness of all of your material.
Here are 7 copywriting techniques from the long history of direct response copywriting that you should use.
#1: Headlines, headlines, headlines
If you’re a copywriter, chances are you’ve been told to write headlines that pack a punch. But what does that mean? How do you write a headline that will grab attention and make people want to read more?
Luckily, there are some tried and true strategies that the masters of copywriting have been using for years. Here are three of the most important things to keep in mind when crafting your headlines:
- Keep it short and sweet.
The best headlines are usually around six words long. Why? Because people have short attention spans and you want to be able to get your point across quickly and efficiently. So if you can make your headline concise, do it! - Use strong verbs.
When you’re writing headlines, use active and exciting language.
#2: Quit being so clever
We all want to be clever. We want to show off our wit and intelligence to the world. But when it comes to copywriting, being clever can hurt your chances of success.
That’s because most people don’t respond well to cleverness in advertising. They find it off-putting, or even annoying. So if you’re using cleverness as a strategy in your copywriting, you might want to rethink your approach.
Instead, focus on being direct and straightforward. Copywriting masters like David Ogilvy and Claude Hopkins were highly successful in using this approach. And you can be too.
#3: Develop your copywriting strategies around your Big Idea
If you want to develop your copywriting strategies around your Big Idea, you should start by looking at what the masters have done. For example, take a look at David Ogilvy’s work. He was one of the first people to focus on the importance of headlines and he developed some great copywriting techniques that you can use. Another great copywriter is Gary Bencivenga. He has developed several different copywriting strategies that you can use to improve your work. When you study the work of these great copywriters, you’ll start to see how important it is to focus on your Big Idea and how you can use it to improve your work.
#4: Do your research
Before you even think about copywriting, you must do your research. There are a lot of resources out there that can help you learn the ropes, and it’s worth taking the time to read up on the subject before you start writing.
The best way to learn about copywriting is to study the work of the masters. Look at how they craft their headlines and structure their sales letters. Then try to emulate their style in your work.
With a little bit of effort, you can quickly become a competent copywriter yourself. Just make sure that you do your research before you start writing, and you’ll be well on your way to success.
#5: Find your starving crowd (then listen to them)
The problem that most businesses face is that they don’t know who their target audience is. They try to appeal to everyone and as a result, they end up appealing to no one. The key is to find your starving crowd – the group of people who are desperately searching for what you have to offer.
Once you’ve found your starving crowd, the next step is to listen to them. What are their needs and wants? What pain points are they trying to solve? By understanding your target audience, you’ll be able to craft messaging that resonates with them and compels them to take action.
Copywriting is an essential skill for any business owner or marketer who wants to be successful. By following these simple steps, you can create content that will resonate with your target audience and convert them into customers or clients.
#6. Know where you’re going
Most people in business know that clear and concise copywriting is essential for effective marketing collateral. However, many don’t know where to start when it comes to writing copy that sells.
The good news is that there are some tried-and-true copywriting strategies that you can use to craft high-converting copy. And, best of all, these strategies come directly from the masters of copywriting.
So, if you want to take your copywriting game up a notch, be sure to check out the following tips from the pros.
#7: Don’t be boring
If you want to improve your copywriting, there’s no better way than to study from the master. Here are seven tips from some of the world’s best copywriters that will help you create more interesting, engaging, and effective copy.
- Write to provoke an emotional response.
Whether you’re trying to evoke feelings of happiness, sadness, anger, or anything in between, emotion is key when it comes to getting people to pay attention to your message. After all, we make most of our decisions based on how we feel, so why not tap into that power?
- Be clear and concise.
It’s important to get your point across quickly and effectively. In today’s fast-paced world, people don’t have time to wade through long paragraphs of text – they need information that is easy to digest and understand.
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