أدخل حتى 100 عنوان URL (يجب أن يكون كل عنوان URL في سطر منفصل)
Our HTTP server status code testing helps you check the status of your website offline or online. Whenever your browser requests a web page, a status code is returned. When something goes wrong, your browser will send a message to your browser like "Something is wrong with the error code, for example, 404"
Paste-up to 100 URLs into the testing tool If you want to check for HTTP status codes that your browser doesn't normally show you, the testing tool will display the HTTP status codes of each site on a single line Separately, each server states the code has a different meaning. The different HTTP response codes from the server with their meanings are mentioned below:
From the error code returned on a URL, you can determine the reason for its operation or failure.
If your site is down due to any of the errors mentioned above, you will need to resolve that issue with your website hosting provider.
This useful tool for finding website problems will be an essential tool for all SEOs and webmasters. Using it, as an SEO or webmaster, you will know exactly why your website is crashing and you can fix it.
This convenient and efficient server status checker allows you to check the server status of an unlimited number of websites. The server status of a particular website allows webmasters to know if the site is up and running properly. To use this testing tool, read the instructions below,
Enter one URL per line in the text box that appears.
Once you have entered the URLs can be a number or any number up to a hundred. Click the "Check Now" button.
Status codes will probably be displayed for each domain name you entered.
Regularly monitors your site's status with a server status checker and takes immediate action whenever your site is down.
As your website grows, you need to be involved in all aspects of your site's operations to check its status. If you neglect to watch certain aspects of your website that generate the foremost revenue like your hosting and network performance, they will fail unexpectedly.
Continuous monitoring of server status can provide many benefits
If you own and manage one or more websites, you should periodically check the server status of your websites. Or maybe you are a web user and have trouble logging in to your favorite websites. In this case, you can also check the status of those sites with any of the free status code checking utilities. If you own a website or are a developer, understanding HTTP status codes is very important to you. When these HTTPS status codes are displayed. HTTP status codes are valuable information that allows webmasters to correct site configuration errors in a timely manner.
When crawling, search engine crawlers read HTTP status codes and act accordingly whether your web pages are indexed in the search engine or not.
100 200 HTTP status codes are a signal that everything is working fine on your site.
400 response codes and 500 response codes can prevent search engine bots from crawling and indexing important pages on your site and signal to search engines that your site is not a quality site, this may decrease your site's ranking.
Need help with other website tracking tools? Try our free Google Cache Checker, Google Index Checker, Pagespeed Insights Checker.
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